Clinical Pharmacists




Role Of Service

Clinical pharmacists are experts in medicines and can help people stay as well as possible. They support those with long-term conditions like asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure or anyone taking multiple medicines to make sure their medication is working.

They work with GPs, local pharmacies and hospitals to make sure medicine services are joined up.

Many clinical pharmacists can also prescribe medicines. Within the Weald our pharmacists typically assist with the following.

  • Structured Medicine Reviews (SMRs). SMRs are an evidence-based and comprehensive review of a patient’s medication, taking into consideration all aspects of their health.  In a structured medication review clinicians and patients work as equal partners to understand the balance between the benefits and risks of and alternatives of taking medicines.
  • Asthma reviews
  • Diabetic reviews
  • Care home medication reviews
  • Medicine optimisation scheme (MOS) work (e.g. antibiotic stewardship)
  • Audits (audit of medication to ensure they are prescribed according to guidelines)
  • Hypertension clinics (investigation and management of high blood pressure)
  • Electronic dispensing
  • Dealing with repeat medication queries
  • Translating medicines national policies into local implementation

Clinical Pharmacist team members